
A Humane Family Business that Listens to its Employees and your Animals

PLB International is a Manufacturer of Premium Food for Cats and Dogs.

Our expertise and commitment to offering the best products have enabled us to cross the borders of many countries and reach the homes of millions of consumers. Proud of our family heritage, our values and our manufacturing process, we aim to remain at the forefront of innovation in pet food. All the key aspects of PLB International, from our team of experts to our innovative products, make it the right choice for animal lovers.

Discover Us!

We invite you to discover our corporate culture, our core values, our history and our manufacturing facilities.

Our corporate culture is based on fundamental core values to achieve operational efficiency and personal fulfillment.

Discover the timeline representing the various milestones that have shaped the history of our family business since 1969.

Our doors are always open. We kindly invite you to take on a virtual tour of our manufacturing plant located in Boucherville, Quebec.

Meet PLB’s Leadership Team!

We’re privileged to count on the dedication and talent of hundreds of people. These talented individuals, with their varied skills and shared passion, embody the values and commitment that drive our manufacturing business. Discover the faces of our leadership team, who mobilize our troops to deliver the best of themselves!
Jérôme Brasseur

General Manager - Executive Vice-President
Marc-Olivier Landry

Vice-President - Finance & Administration
Pascale Poudrette

Director - Marketing
Justin Larivière

Director - Sales, Canada & USA
Julio Tiana

Director - International Sales
Michel Demers

Director - International Sales & Private Label

Our History

Founded in 1969 by a passionate family, this manufacturing company has evolved to become a benchmark here in Canada and in over 20 countries worldwide, while remaining true to its roots and maintaining its reputation for reliability and excellence. Discover some milestones of our history!

New certification!
A milestone in our commitment to quality and rigor! PLB International is proud to announce that it has obtained FSSC 22000 certification, an internationally recognized standard for food safety.
New distributing partnership!
We know that the world of pets has changed a lot in recent years. In order to keep pace and offer quality service, we have chosen to work with Le Gastronome Animal, a partner who shares our values and our passion for animals!
Launch of Lily & Jax cat wet food
We have launched a brand new line of wet canned cat food! 4 gourmet recipes are now available in most grocery stores! Mackerel, sardine, chicken and duck... a true royal feast!
Production line automation
We are proud to continue the modernization of our facilities with the arrival of a new packing robot. This new addition allows us to maintain increased packaging productivity and meet growing market demand.
A new brand is launched!
PLB International launches a new brand of superior cat and dog food named Lily & Jax, available in grocery stores, supermarkets and on Amazon exclusively in Canada.
Passion since 1969
PLB International is proud to celebrate a significant business milestone, 50 years in the pet food industry! A new logo has been unveiled for the occasion!
Launch of Pronature Life
Worldwide launch of Pronature Life, the latest addition to our Pronature family! Crafted with the modern pet owner in mind, Pronature Life proposes recipes with fresh meat & superfoods!
New partner in China
It is with great pride that we welcome our new partner in China who will allow for our brands to shine in this beautiful country. Great opportunies await us in this effervescent market. Welcome to our family!
Launch of the new 1st Choice website
PLB International is very proud to launch a brand new web platform to showcase our 1st Choice products in Canada. By the same occasion, all International partners will be able to quickly adapt this website in their respective market's language!
GlobalPETS Forum Asia Award
Guangzhou, China. The GlobalPETS Forum Asia Award is awarded to companies that stand out for their international branding efforts. GlobalPETS examined how candidates were able to build their brand internationally and how they managed to gain a serious market share in the pet industry.
PLB International named the Montérégie region’s Business of the Year
PLB International won the Business of the Year award in the Human Resources Development category at the Dominique Rollin Gala.
PLB International celebrates its 40th anniversary
2009 marks the 40th anniversary of PLB International. The company can be proud of the progress and future. You too are part of the family!
Pronature Holistic launched
It was under the philosophy of "wellness nutrition" that Pronature Holistic range was born. Pronature Holistic offers the best of nature, combining tradition and modernity.
Compliance with Regulation EC 1774/2002
PLB International was declared to be in compliance with the new EC 1774/2002 regulation adopted by the European Parliament and European Union Council. Later in the year, the Company also became the first plant in the country to receive Canadian Food Inspection Agency certification. One of the certification requirements is control over production parameters through the HACCP approach.
Second generation joins the family business.
Jocelyn Brasseur eventually succeeded his father as president in April 1999. His brother, Executive Vice-President Jean Brasseur, is his right hand and an invaluable member of the management team. And sister Jacinthe Brasseur’s international market development savvy has been instrumental to the company’s growth.
Major investment in expanding the plant and procuring new production equipment
Buoyed by explosive sales, and in response to growing demand, the Company invested several million dollars in new production equipment and in the expansion of its facilities. This investment also made it possible to improve the performance of its production and control systems.
Entry into the European market
Motivated by the success in Japan, the Sales Department moved forward with its plans to break into Europe.
First international partnership in Japan
Following a trade mission to Japan, the Company secured its first international client for the 1st Choice product line.
Launch of the Pronature Original brand
In 1993, PLB continues its expansion with the launch of Pronature Original. This brand meets a need to have a better brand trademark while having an attractive price for consumers. Pronature Original - Sensible Nutrition.
First partnership with the SPCA launched in Quebec’s Eastern Townships
Out of concern for animal welfare, the Company began what would develop into a long and rewarding partnership with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
1st Choice line is launched
With the objective of health at the heart of nutrition, 1st Choice was developed by several nutrition experts whose world-renowned leading expert, Dr. James E Corbin. 1st Choice was the first Premium food in North America to use fresh chicken.
Plant starts manufacturing pet food
Recognizing an opportunity in the dog and cat food market, the Company decided to shift gears to become Quebec’s first pet food manufacturer.
Head office moves to Boucherville
The company relocated its facilities to Boucherville, just south of Montreal, to be closer to its key markets.
PLB International is founded
PLB International was founded (as L.B. Products Ltd.) by Jean-Marie Brasseur and began operations in Upton, Quebec, Canada. The company’s original focus was on processing raw materials used in farm animal feed.